"But the evening belonged without a doubt to Butler, a young tenor. Butler possesses a bright lyric tenor that rings throughout his range. His middle voice is plush and resonant and his high notes are vibrant"
— OperaWire
“Altrettanto eccellente è Michael Butler nel ruolo di Martin, risolto con perizia anche nei momenti più ardui. Il giovane tenore americano conquista quindi per musicalità, squillo e charme della resa attoriale.”
“Equally excellent is Michael Butler in the role of Martin, expertly resolved even in the most difficult moments. The young American tenor therefore conquers for his musicality, ringing and charm of his acting performance.”​​
— Opera Libera
“il tenore Michael Butler sfoggia una voce dal timbro privilegiato (e vorrebbe che si accostasse quanto prima a qualche grande titolo).”
“The tenor Michael Butler shows off a voice with a piveleged timbre (and would like him to approach some great Italian titles as soon as possible).”​​​
— Opera Mundus
“Tenor Michael Butler who enthralled the audience with non-stop wit… gave the spoken encomico in perfect Italian, an additional reward to us all…”